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All that belies the truth

door killea

I muse on all that belies the truth
the historical fiction taught to youth
answers inadequate, deficient, awry
great minds censored, no reply

only few feel the flow of telepathic waves
since man inhabited primitive caves
most lost, the 100th monkey syndrome
anyone heard from The Club of Rome?

deep within where the knowing lies
where hope against all odds defies
where the purity of love hides
right there, where the true self resides

the answers to all question revealed
in historical genetic DNA sealed
our cells hold the memory of what went before
our partially used brain still a closed door

were I but a falling star in the night
a few seconds of glorious flight
to burn so bright, disintegrate, disperse
to be at one forever with the universe


feedback van andere lezers

  • Ivan
    Verry nice Killea, great poem, love Ivan
    killea: thank you, Ivan
  • jamal
    Als ik terug denk aan mijn schooljaren dan walg ik over de wijze waarop we een rad voor de ogen krijgen gedraaid...in al mijn
    geschiedenislessen is nooit een woord gerept over de smerige
    rol die België, en alle andere soevereine, imperialistische staten,
    heeft gespeeld bij de ondergang van onze wereld....en nog steeds.

    I salute you June!

    killea: many thanks, Jamal
  • Mistaker
    Great, says Greta!

    killea: Thank you so much, Greta
  • yellow
    I'm a simple man,
    and I don't care what they do
    but there is so much that we don't know,
    nice poem J.
    killea: thank you, Marc
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