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Genie and Cane Toad IV

door killea

Restless Genie is trying to dance
he thinks he's real hot, doesn't see himself prance
looks like a Derwish, in a drug induced trance
whatever he is on, it does nothing for romance
he wants to try out his new-look penis today
gives me the eye, begging, please say okay
cannot resist, let him out to his elation
his wand is quivering with anticipation
he dives in and gives it his all
oblivious to all else, we're having a ball
blinding flash of light as we come to the end
sometimes, it's grand, a Genie boyfriend
just when I'm ready to forgive all transgression
a smirk on his face, such a cheeky expression
two bulging eyes at the end of the bed
glaring lasciviously from a bloated head

Quasimotoad hops away, a camera slung,
around his neck, which needs to be wrung
you didn't, I yelled, I did he retorted with delight
and tonight I'm placing it on my porno site
I want to kill him, but then his lawyer would expose
taped conversations, and whatever else he knows
too embarrassing, so I keep my enemy real close
a toxic mutant frog, so clever and so gross
with a 40 year life span he is unfortunately blessed
the trouble he causes keeps me constantly stressed
he says, don't worry I'll keep it off the net
if you give me a kiss, all lovely and wet
I gag at the thought, tell him to go ahead
put it on the toadshitesite, I'd rather be dead
he hops away straight to his computer
I think, oh hell, maybe I ought 'a
I close my eyes, praying to be struck down
worse than expected, in toad slobber I drown


feedback van andere lezers

  • ivo
    wat een gedicht, je wurgt mijn laatste engels uit mijn hoofd om de draad te blijven volgen, het komt erop neer dat je nu ook al een symbool bent geworden voor iets waarvan je totaal niet bewust was.

    tja het gedicht loopt als een trein en het is vreemd, zeer vreemd, wat mij betreft zelfs triest, dat zelfs het diepe intieme niet tussen jou en hij kan blijven bestaan als iets mysterisch mooi.

    killea: Oh Ivo, our intimacy is definitely mysteriously beautiful. And my ongoing adult fairytale is such fun to write, I never know where the Toad and Genie are going from one episode to the other. Whatever it may reveal about me, it is still borne of my limitless fantasy. There is really nothing triest about it. Having said this, I must admit I have known some Genies and Cane Toads, the toads being the more interesting of the two, but like all bloody cane toads, they do not belong to the endangered species of this planet, and I may have to kill him off some time in the future. Thank you as always for your wonderful feedback.
  • tessy
    Ik vind je fb aan Ivo even goed als het gedicht ;-)
    killea: Appreciate it very much, Tessy
  • secret
    Beatyful killea. i am always reading it
    serveral times because it is difficult to find the rigt words and rhythm
    And there are some words i Inever hear off
    killea: Many thanks
  • JakobRo
    beautiful poem, excellebnt rhythm. Had to read it twice
    killea: Thank you so much Jakob
  • Mistaker
    One of your most beautiful poems, a real pleasure to read (out loud)

    Greta xx
    killea: thank you Greta
  • yellow
    beautiful June
    killea: thank you sweetheart
  • GoNo2
    Begrijp de helft niet van wat er staat!
    killea: thank you
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