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Chaotic Splendour

door killea

Chaotic Splendour

The soft, smooth shell harbours
all that there is or ever was
takes in what is presented
gives that which was received
mourns for what is lost
thrills for the retrieved
the shell, dignified
a mask hiding infinite truths
delusions, exclusions, desperations
sense, honour, kindness, love
numbers, letters, equations
chaotic splendour, right or wrong
the shell harbours it all
and everything else harbours the shell…

the gun always leaves behind empty shells


feedback van andere lezers

  • andremoortgat
    It is so chaotic...
    that it passes above my "petje"
    killea: I don't beliieve it Andre
  • bragt
    ik begrijp het als 'the shell' (bescherming) bevat het hele leven in al zijn facetten. De oorlog, het geweld (the gun) laat enkel lege hulzen en doden achter.
    killea: You always understand my poetry Bragt, many thanks
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