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Young Brave Solace

door ella

Young Brave Solace
beautiful godlike creature
your hair golden

When you're walking down the lane
(so rhythmic!)
walking so unconsciously, so eased off

Innocent? Perhaps.
Has anyone moved you,
lifted you up
out of your posture?

O, young Brave Solace!
I mean, seriously:
vibes all over!
(You young brat!)

Quite skinny though,
but firm and tight thighs.
The way you pace down the lane,
hands in your pockets - jeans -
leaving no footprint whatsoever.

You're coming closer now:
but ever so grasping.

You're standing right here now,
blue-eyed pensive look, a little worried
(carrying a load?)

The angle of your chin; merely
to touch it with some fingertip,

Your proximity,
to sense it,

Final and utter submersion.

Oh young Brave Solace!
I mean, look at you!
To look at you slightly wagging back and forth
while talking.
To look at you touch your lips and cheek
while listening.
(What are you thinking about?)

Yeah, Mister Brave Solace!
You archetypical son of a bitch!
Damned beautiful and damned out of reach.

You Greek Hero!

You James Dean!


feedback van andere lezers

  • Ghislaine
    Simply the max.
    ella: Thanks!
    Een echt 'vrouwengedicht' over het spreekwoordelijke groene blaadje...
  • dichtduvel
    Verrassend. Sometimes I carry a load too. As long as it is not a burden it's ok.
    ella: Dat klopt.
  • drebddronefish
    Ik ben er van overtuigd dat het een song is, in ieder geval zou ik het op die manier kunnen gebruiken. Schitterend woordgebruik...
    ella: Yes!!!
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