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feedback van andere lezers- Ghislaine
John = Jackass. killea: thanks Ghislaine
June - marrik
Mooi plot en een verrassend eind.
Well done! killea: It's not finished yet!
thanks, love
June - Francis
Funny and creepy
nice work xx Frans killea: Thanks Frans, always appreciate your FB
june - klaver4
I would say creepy and a funny as can be under those circumstances!
If Imeet someone that looks just like someone I loved, which luckily rarely happens, I go to talk to them immediately! And as always, it turned out to be a big dissapointment!
ps: I would write dead ringer instead of doppelganger.
klaver4 killea: Yes you may be right with dead ringer , but either is okay in english. He is going to be disappointed too.
xx - Ivan
grts Ivan killea: thanks
j - Mephistopheles
I like the way it ends. Good piece. killea: Thanks
j - yellow
Now the time is come to take revenge on her man as a ghost :)
Engels is soms moeilijk,
ik hoop dat mij nooit zoiets overkomt maar voorlopig heb ik zelfs moeite om een mug te doden, ooit zou ikzelf wel graag als geest de aarde komen bezoeken om al diegenen die me pijn deden te pesten, dat is niet mooi van mij hé,
Marc killea: Thank you Marc for fine FB
june - GoNo2
Boeiend. killea: Thank you so much, Noel