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Betere leesbaarheid


door Alie_Jankind


afdalen naar de kern
het pad van vrede gaan
nederig als een ezel

op een weg vol palmtakken
bereid om lasten te dragen
ook als het gejuich verstomt

beseffen de Koning komt



feedback van andere lezers

  • dovan
    graag gelezen
  • drebddronefish
    Mooi neergezet Alie!
  • doolhoofd
    "The Christian religion and Masonry have one and the same common origin: both are derived from the worship of the Sun. The difference between their origin is, that the Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun, as I have shown in the chapter on the origin of the Christian religion."
    - Thomas Paine, The Origin of Masonry

    "The Christian apologist Tertullian agrees that from the earliest days of the introduction of this religion in the West, the more enlightened men who had examined it, pronounced it to be merely a sect of the Mithraic religion, and that the God of the Christians, like that of the Persians, was the sun. In Christianity there were sundry practices remarked which betrayed that origin: the Christians never said their prayers without facing the East, or that part of the world whence the sun rises. All their temples and religious meeting houses were anciently facing the rising sun. Their holy days in each week had reference to the day of the Sun, called Sunday or Day of the Lord Sun. All these practices derived their origin from the very nature of their religion."
    - Charles Francois Dupuis, 18de eeuwse professor aan het College du France
  • greta
    Heel mooi!
  • Clodius
    In slechts enkele regels beschrijf je een wonderlijk tafereel dat deze revolutionair tot de beroemdste man aller tijden maakt ! Schitterend !
  • Mistaker
    Mooi. Eén klein dingetje: in de laatste zin zou ik zetten: beseffen DAT de koning komt.
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Totale score: 10

Uitstekend: 4 stem(men), 67%
Goed: 2 stem(men), 33%
Niet goed: 0 stem(men), 0%

totaal 6 stem(men)
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